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About Us

Established in 2004, we have been working with young people and families in greater Western Sydney for nearly 15 years!

Our first practice was located on Bessemer Street, Blacktown with just two offices!


We moved to our current clinic on Richmond Rd, Blacktown in 2009 and have grown from two clinicians to a dynamic team which includes child psychologists, educational psychologists, neuropsychologists, and family / disability support workers.


In 2016 we opened additional clinics in Macarthur and Hornsby to service greater south-western and northern  Sydney and plans are underway for a Nepean - Blue Mountains clinic in 2017.


The team at JBCP are committed to providing evidence-based assessment, diagnosis and treatment for the many challenges facing children, adolescents, young adults (and their families).


If at any stage you have questions or comments related to our service, please call our central office on (02) 9622 9610. 


With a written referral from a GP, paediatrician, or psychiatrist, you may be eligible for up to ten Medicare rebated treatment appointments each year. 


Gap fees incurred will count towards your families Medicare Safety Net.  


You do not need a doctor's referral to make an initial appointment at our service, however, you do need one to claim the Medicare rebate. The referral must be in the name of the person we are seeing (this could be the child, young adult or parent). 


Talk to your GP, Medicare Australia, or our office for further information.


JBCP offers a wide range of individual, parent, and group treatment programs designed to address areas of difficulty that have been identified in the assessment process.  


We have staff who focus on different treatment areas including: 

Autism Spectrum 

Anxiety / Depression 

Eating Disorders 


Oppositional Behaviours 


Kids in Care 

Group Programs 

Parent Management Skills


The recommended fee for a 50-minute â€‹psychological consultation set by the Australian Psychological Society is $241.00.  

 At JBCP we reduce this fee for our client families as follows:


50 minute consultation with consultant child psychologist: $180.00 

Medicare rebate with appropriate referral:   $84.80 

Out-of-Pocket cost / Gap Fee:   $95.20 

50 minute consultation with clinical child psychologist: $220.00 

Medicare rebate with appropriate referral: $124.50 

Out-of-Pocket cost / Gap Fee:   $95.50 

Our fees for formal diagnostic assessments are set out here.


Note: Separate fees apply to out-of-office appointments, attendance at court or legal briefings and to third-party organisations. Please contact our office for further information.

A word about Fees…


The APS (Australian Psychological Society) recommended fee for a 50-minute consultation with a psychologist is $246.00. At JBCP clinics we reduce this fee significantly. 


There are several significant pressures on our costs which I am very open about:

1. The government Medicare rebate has not increased in 4 years, yet the costs of employing  highly experienced (and great) psychologists,; leasing properties; complying with increasing government regulation; and covering our many overheads just keeps increasing,..

2. Unlike medical doctors, we devote 50-minute blocks to each and every client, if someone does not attend, we have lost that hour, we can't just get the next person in the waiting room. 

3. My clinicians typically need another 30-minutes per client session to write notes, score and interpret tests, plan the next session, write letters, make phone calls, etc… and most formal diagnostic assessments take a minimum of 2-3 hours for the assessment and 3-4 hours to write the report… It is detailed and labour consuming work.


So it is always a balancing act. The bottom line however, is we are here for the benefit of you and your child so if you are experiencing genuine financial hardship please talk to your clinician. We will always do what we can to assist you!

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